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Interview With The Algerian Band 'Lelahell'

We have a lot of great bands and this time I had the pleasure in doing an interview with a well known band, and this time we did an interview with 'Redouane Aouameurone' vocalist and guitarist of the Algerian band 'Lelahell'.

Hello Redouane,

Thank you for having this interview with us, so firstly as many middle Eastern fans have not a clear background about the Algerian Metal Scene, Could you describe the Algerian Metal Scene, briefly?

The metal scene in Algeria isn’t as new as people imagine, it exists since almost 3 decades. I’m one of the formers of that scene. During those 2 or three years there are some new promising bands that were formed and have made some interesting releases, there are also more concerts but not enough, we are trying to change things with government to get more access to the venues, and why not create a big international festival!

While I was reading the media release that Lelahell issued after releasing your “Alif”, I am amazed with the number of cooperation such as Hannes Grossman, How could you contact those names, and what are their opinions about the Metal Scene in the region?

In the beginning of the writing process of Alif I was searching for a drummer for recording that album, I contacted many drummers and the one that really caught my attention was Hannes Grossmann, because he is very talented, very professional and more he has something that must of today drummers don’t have any more is taking artistic risks, he also plays extreme metal and he can play other things and he is able to do that!

Hannes said in one interview about that cooperation: “I didn’t know that Algeria had a metal scene, and I had no idea what to expect from the project. But it turned out quite awesome.”

You have released a documentary about your 20 year career, what are the main problems you faced through your career?

The main problem you will find in each nonmetal country is the lack of venues to play that kind of music.

In Algeria most of time we play concerts in cinema theaters and they are equipped with chairs, after each gig we get banned because the chairs are broken haha!

We don’t have small underground venues, or concert hall or bars for that kind of music. The government doesn’t care about that and don’t let the private investors inject their money in the culture.

I want to back to “Alif”, what are the main concepts of the album?

Each Lelahell release is conceptually linked to the character of Abderrahmane, yet focusing on another evolutionary step—another chapter in his own book. In the lyrics of our first EP "Al Intihar" Abderrahmane is tired of his own life full of constraints, so he commits suicide. Our first album "Al Insane... the (Re)Birth of Aberrahmane" deals with his rebirth. Our new album "Alif" is now focusing on Abderrahmane's first steps in his new life, just like a child learning to speak, walk, learning about the world around him. Yet this is full of foes and fears, that's why Abderrahmane needs to save himself from those dangers. Killustrations' interpretation of this concept with Abderrahmane sitting amidst a blood circle in a vermin-infested desert perfectly captured the mood we had in mind.

In general, what are the main influences of Lelahell’s music?

I started to play metal in the beginning of the 90’s, and I got my main influences from the old school 90’s death metal scene with band such as:Morbid Angel, Cannibal corpse, Death …

And when you listen to Lelahell you can hear that old school vibe!

I remember one day when we played in the southern part of Germany, a guy comes to me after the show and said “Old School”, and I answered “Yes”

The second main influence is from our local music. In our childhood all of us listened to some local and traditional music on the radio, so we decided to add a subtle of that in our music, not that much, because we Play Death Metal!

You performed different times in Europe, What was the feedback you received?

We have made 3 Tours, and 2 mini tours. We got very good feedback especially in France, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany and England. During the Spanish mini tour in last spring we got also very positive feedback, this is why we are returning in November to play in the Iberian Warrior metal fest in Zaragoza!

Is Lelahell in contact with any Middle Eastern bands, would you cooperate with a Middle Eastern one?

We have some good old friends in the Middle East from Kaoteon and Scarab. And we would really love to organize a big festival or a big tour in Europe or Middle east or North Africa.

What are the bands you wish to cooperate with?

We don’t have any preferences, but opening or going on tour with big bands is always beneficial!

After releasing “Alif”, What is your upcoming step?

Starting the writing process of the third full length, this is a concept album. I can’t tell you more now. This is will be something different than our previous albums.

We are also preparing a 10days Euro tour in the debut November. This tour will take us to Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, and more to countries and dates to be confirmed.

For 2019 we are planning a big tour, maybe a world tour? Stay in touch.

Thank you Redouane for your time and we are looking forward to see your next step.

Lelahell: Web:

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